Conficker Virus Eye Chart
The site linked below will display images that if you are infected with the Conficker virus will most likely be blocked. It can be a quick and reliable way to know if you may be infected.
Life is a series of events, living is how you handle them.
The site linked below will display images that if you are infected with the Conficker virus will most likely be blocked. It can be a quick and reliable way to know if you may be infected. is a collection of network tools that Kirk Ouimet started working on in late September of 2007. The name of the site, YouGetSignal, is a nerdy play on a line of broken English from the infamous “All your base are belong to us” cut scene.
Some of the tools on the site include:
Check out the site and tools here.
If you follow this link it will take you to an interactive map of the linux kernel. It is really interesting and works a lot like Google maps for navigation.
If you have very large volumes on a server you have no doubt experienced a long boot as the volumes are checked for errors. I have found the information below to turn off disk checking on boot for specific drives. The first can be done via command prompt and the second is the registry change that does the same. Hope it helps.
Go to Start, Run, and type in cmd
Then type in
chkntfs /x c:
This will stop Autochk from scanning drive c. If your main drive is the D:\ then type
chkntfs /x d:
Close out of the command window when the next prompt appears, and that’s it!
To undo this setting at a later point:
Go to Start, Run, and type in cmd
Then type in
chkntfs /d
1. Run the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). You must use Regedt32.exe and not Regedit.exe
2. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
3. Change the BootExecute value from:
autocheck autochk *
autocheck autochk /k:x *
Where x is the drive letter, e.g. if you wanted to stop the check on drive f: you would type autocheck autochk /k:f *. To stop the check on multiple volumes just enter the drive names one after another, e.g. to stop the check on e: and g: autocheck autochk /k:eg *, you do not retype the /k each time.
Sony releases new stupid piece of shit that doesn’t work.
Courtesy of
This Saturday we went to the motorcycle show at the Cleveland I-X center. It was a great show and the new bikes are better than ever. They had a nice custom builder display as well and I have included pictures of it and some of the show. It was nice to see more custom bikes in the show than ever before. I also noticed there seemed to be more and a wider variation in the types of bikers at the show. They even had a larger area just for scooters which was new.
Use tools running on Google’s M-Lab to test your Internet connection. The following tools are cuurently on the site and are very useful indeed. You can check out the site here.
* Network Diagnostic Tool
Test your connection speed and receive sophisticated diagnosis of problems limiting speed.
* Glasnost
Test whether BitTorrent is being blocked or throttled.
* Network Path and Application Diagnosis
Diagnose common problems that impact last-mile broadband networks.
* DiffProbe (coming soon)
Determine whether an ISP is giving some traffic a lower priority than other traffic.
* NANO (coming soon)
Determine whether an ISP is degrading the performance of a certain subset of users, applications, or destinations.
So have you ever wanted to maybe walk around and see what the International Space Station (ISS) looked like inside? Come on sure you have. I bet you were just talking about it the other day. Well below are links to a 4 part video tour of the ISS.
Let’s face it, not only are they going but they will of course win it! Check out this years “Here we go” theme song that was put into a video form.
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It’s intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s).
Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all.
Here is a link to the site.